Note: I will use a Raspberry Pi Azure IoT Online Simulator to simulate HOME for demonstration.
Follow instructions from Microsoft to create an IoT Hub resource –
Your IoT Hub should look similar to this.
Add device to your IoT Hub. The device connection string is used to identify where the stream of data comes from.
Place the obtained device connection string in the placeholder in a Raspberry Pi Azure IoT Online Simulator then run the simulator.
Check that our IoT Hub has received the data.
You can use Azure cloud shell to do a quick check by clicking
in the top bar of your Azure Portal page.
Then type the following command.
az iot hub monitor-events --output table --hub-name {YourIoTHubName}
You should see data coming in when your IoT Online Simulator is running.
Find IoT Hub Endpoint and create a consumer group to connect with Azure Functions
Follow instructions from Microsoft –
Doing so you will get a SQL Server with a SQL Database you specify in creation steps.
Do not forget to take note of username and password of your SQL Server.
Set up your environment. At least make sure that your environment can complete this tutorial –
Create a new Azure Functions that accept IoT Hub Trigger –
Add IoT Hub’s name and consumer group from (1e) to function.json in Azure Functions’ package.
Define the connection name you want to refer to IoT Hub endpoint in Azure Functions’ configuration after deployment.
for data processing and deploy Azure Functions.
is along this line.
import logging
import azure.functions as func
import json
import os
import pyodbc
def update_table(schema_name, table_name, payload):
## Get connection string
# from Azure Functions' configuration
conn_str = os.environ["SQLCONNSTR_SQLConnectionString"]
# initilize connection
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(conn_str)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
# update payload
timestamp = payload['timestamp']
device_name = payload['device_name']
temperature = payload['temperature']
humidity = payload['humidity']
# stage part to the table
sql_command = f"""
insert into {schema_name}.{table_name}(timestamp, device_name, temperature, humidity)
values ("{timestamp}", "{device_name}", {temperature}, {humidity})
cursor.execute(sql_command)'Update {index}/{len(payload)} of payload')
# commit when all updates are staged
return True
def main(event: func.EventHubEvent):
schema_name = 'dbo',
table_name = 'home_stat_temp''Python EventHub trigger processed an event: %s', event.get_body().decode('utf-8'))
# convert string to a list of dicts
payload = json.loads(event.get_body().decode('utf-8'))
# update payload to table
update_result = update_table(schema_name, table_name, payload)
# log success/fail status
if update_result:'Payload update successful!')
else:'Payload update failed!')
Add IoT Hub endpoint from (1e) with its name as specified in (3d) to Azure Functions’ configuration.
Add SQL database connection string from (2c) to Azure Functions’ configuration.
Make sure your Azure Functions is running. Then run a Raspberry Pi Azure IoT Online Simulator and observe incoming data in Live Metrics. The simulator was set to send a message every 10 s in this example.
Verify that data is appended to the target table in the SQL database.
Install Grafana. Depending on the version you would like to have. Here are instructions for the Open Source version (aka free version) –
Start your Grafana Server and add your Azure SQL Server (2a) as a data source.
Verify your connection and start building your dashboard.
When all pieces are available. You can send data from actual sensors.
Additional steps to implement PATH 3: One can simply follow the tutorial –
Here is my attempt
Set Input.
Set output.
Set query.
Run the Stream Analytics job and verify data in Power BI.
Build your Power BI dashboard.
That concludes implementation steps of our project.
I hope you have fun :)