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Becoming a good storyteller through blog writing

Created: 29 September 2015

Originally from my blogspot

Recently, I have been reading an interesting book, Finding Success in Failure by Lucas Carlson. It is a very charming and inspiring book.

One of the topics in the book is the importance of becoming a good storyteller. Although the book focuses on business startup founders, it establishes a perception that becoming a good storyteller will be beneficial to anyone who has mastered the art of storytelling.

Storytelling has been around for a long long time and have been presented in many many forms. Words, sounds, images, touches, or a combination of these could be presented as the medium to convey a story from one person to others. It is a way people communicate and transfer information. Realizing it or not, we are all storytellers and we tell stories in our daily lives. The question is, are you a good storyteller?

A seafarer tells the young Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother the story of what happened out at sea. Source

Answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ can gauge how successful you can become in life (although successful is subjective, I think you know what I mean).

Great storytellers can sweep people off their feet, successfully negotiate business deals, inspire people to do great things, give them hope, tell them not to give up on their dreams, and many more.

By now, I think you agree that mastering storytelling is something you should do. And unless you are a natural born genius, the only way you can master any skill is to practice. Practice hard.

There are many ways you can practice your storytelling skill and one of them is writing a blog. That’s the reason I started this post.

I actually have no idea yet of what I am going to write about after this first entry, but I will come up with something to share from time to time.