The following code shows how to get historical data of a stock from Google Finance (or Yahoo Finance) and plot a candlestick chart with simple moving average (SMA), exponential moving average (EMA), and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD).
The code is an expansion of an answer in this Stack Overflow thread.
The code is written in python 3.5.2.
# import necessary libraries
%matplotlib inline
import as web
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import dates as mdates
from import candlestick_ohlc
import datetime as dt
# request and reformat data
symbol = "AAPL"
data = web.DataReader(symbol, 'google', '2015-12-31', end = # use 'google' or 'yahoo' to pick the data source
# setup moving average models
x = data['Date']
EMA_1_span = 7
EMA_1 = data['Close'].ewm(span=EMA_1_span,min_periods=EMA_1_span).mean()
EMA_2_span = 30
EMA_2 = data['Close'].ewm(span=EMA_2_span,min_periods=EMA_2_span).mean()
SMA_2_span = EMA_2_span
SMA_2 = data['Close'].rolling(window=SMA_2_span,center=False).mean()
MACD = EMA_1 - EMA_2
# plot
fig, (ax, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, figsize=(10,12))
# plot candlestick, SAM, EMA in subplot_1
p1 = ax.plot(x, EMA_1, label='EMA(' + str(EMA_1_span) + ')')
p2 = ax.plot(x, EMA_2, label='EMA(' + str(EMA_2_span) + ')')
p3 = ax.plot(x, SMA_2, label='SMA(' + str(SMA_2_span) + ')')
ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%b '%y"))
ax.set_ylabel('Price', fontsize=16)
# plot volume in subplot_2,data['Volume']);
ax2.set_ylabel('Volume', fontsize=16)
# plot MACD in subplot_3
ax3.plot(x, MACD, label='MACD (' + 'EMA(' + str(EMA_1_span) + '), ' + 'EMA(' + str(EMA_2_span) + '))')
ax3.axhline(0, color='gray', linestyle='--')
ax3.set_ylabel('MACD', fontsize=16)
The code below shows how to get real-time data of a stock from Google Finance page.
It is a modified version of files from this Github repository.
# import libraries
import urllib.request, time, re
# define data acquisition function
def fetchGF(googleticker):
url = ""
respData = urllib.request.urlopen(url+ticker).read()
# search for the tag with ref id of the stock and get the displayed price and currency'id="ref_(.*?)">(.*?)<', respData)'Currency in (.*?)<', respData)
if price:
# get the price and re-format displayed text
# group 1: ref id of the stock in the html page, group 2: price
q=tmp.decode().replace(',','') + ' ' +
q="Nothing found for: "+ googleticker
return q
# pick stock and display the current price
ticker = 'NASDAQ:GOOG'
print('As of '+ time.ctime() + ' local time, the price of ' + ticker + ' is ' + fetchGF(ticker) + '.')
As of Wed Apr 19 16:24:20 2017 local time, the price of NASDAQ:GOOG is 841.01 USD.
The codes above show basic of requesting historical and real-time stock data as well as plotting charts/indicators. With some effort, the process could be made less tedious and more automated.